Heading up support and training at JATO Dynamics, I have worked with thousands of customers across North America and Canada. From my day to day work, it is evident that the global pandemic has inflicted a large amount of volatility on our industry. However, we are doing all we can to support our customers through the continued delivery of training and customer service support.

At JATO, we take pride in our customer-centric philosophy, delivering a high level of service throughout all our products and lending a hand to our clients wherever possible. We are sensitive to the needs of our customers and as COVID-19 has disrupted the automotive landscape, client needs have both shifted and multiplied.

To date, we have seen the biggest impact of COVID-19 on the need for online training and setting up remote users. This is by no means a challenge as we have been delivering online training for many years. However, our team of six are always looking for ways to improve this service. During this period of technological reliance, we are taking the opportunity to evolve our services, developing new offerings such as tailored training curriculums for all our customers.

To help put minds at ease during this uncertain time, our automotive experts have been developing an assortment of informative videos, alongside tips and tools documents, looking at the factors impacting the industry and what it means for communities operating in different markets. These will soon be rolled out to all our partners, as part of our commitment to informing our customers about all the issues likely to impact their businesses in the coming months.

We are keeping the lines of communication open. Setting up regular online meetings with our clients has proven an effective portal for customer engagement, helping us to answer any questions and concerns. Where our clients once relied upon their peers in the office for ad hoc support and queries, we have been able to step in instead and offer a lending hand.

There are many factors that we cannot predict at the moment. But whatever the outcome, we guarantee we will always evolve our services to best suit the needs of our clients. At times like these, communication is essential and, as ever, we are listening closely to the needs of those operating in this new environment.

COVID-19 has disrupted the way we operate in the automotive field, and this new normal is here. While we cannot do much to change that, we can offer regular support and answer the questions that are concerning many, regarding the state and outlook of the industry.

Get in touch – let us know how we can help.