
WLTP legislation, due from the European Union later this year, brings with it seismic changes in the way C02 emissions are both calculated and communicated.  This major shift heralds complex issues, the likes of which the automotive industry has never witnessed.

Not least in the list of challenges, is the way detailed vehicle data is collected, managed and shared effectively between interested parties such as manufacturers and leasing companies, to enable WLTP compliant calculations to take place. In fact, the data management issues created by WLTP are so wide-reaching, their implications risk the very relationship between manufacturers and their leasing company customers if overlooked.

JATO has been applying its world-class data collection and management expertise for the last two years to understand these complex problems, and a new JATO WLTP solution addressing these challenges head on, will launch soon.

Jim Berriman, leading JATO’s WLTP solution team commented: “Our aim is to simplify the complex data management and integration required for compliant WLTP calculation to take place, and transform it into an opportunity for both manufacturers and leasing companies.  We are looking forward to launching the JATO WLTP solution in the near future, but now is the time for all parties to accelerate their WLTP preparation, to ensure compliance once the regulations become mandatory.”

JATO is making it easy to keep your finger on the pulse of WLTP news and updates via the JATO WLTP Hub due for launch within the coming weeks.  Click here to pre-register for the JATO WLTP Hub and to learn how our solution will ease the challenges presented by WLTP.