Global automotive intelligence is what drives good marketing decisions, so it’s vital that Original Equipment Suppliers (OES) have a reliable way of gathering accurate data and building a comprehensive picture of the global market. Armed with this information, they can make better manufacturing decisions and more skillfully manage potential risk.


But most automotive intelligence relies on shoddy methods that either fail to understand that demand and consumer behavior are what drive the market — not the OES’ understanding of the market — or that the local market is key to understanding the global market.


JATO takes a completely different approach to global automotive intelligence, leaning on locally based researchers with expert knowledge of local preferences to build a picture of the global market.


Use local expertise to understand global trends

Most OES use research methodologies that are outdated and unable to gather the depth of information they need to make accurate market forecasts. Many of them still believe that they can collect useful sales data manually by way of their own salespeople physically meeting their OEM clients. This is a method that has roots in the United Kingdom and United States, where it’s common for data analysis to be outsourced to others. Few automotive intelligence providers have challenged this methodology, leaving OES with potentially inaccurate information.


Another problem is that OES tend to build a picture of the market based on their own understanding of the supply side. This approach, however, ignores the fact that the market is primarily driven by consumer behavior and demand. By analyzing the market from the macro view down, OES inaccurately gauge the critical element: customer preferences at the local level. Even when OES take the local market seriously, they often send their own salespeople to their target markets to conduct ground level market research without much concern for what local buyers actually think and believe.


JATO takes an entirely different approach to market research. Our team has experts on the ground who understand the intricacies of local markets in 52 different countries, helping to put together a more accurate and reliable picture of the local market. We understand that it’s extremely difficult to understand a local market in Asia if you rely on researchers who are experts in the German market. Many customer preferences and behaviors simply do not translate from one market to another, and accurate market analysis depends on local expertise. Once you have a deeper understanding of the local market in place, you can work upward to develop a more comprehensive picture of the global market.


Team up with JATO

JATO offers OES timely, relevant and high-quality data intelligence to help them craft management plans that are effective and appropriate for their individual situations. Beyond developing accurate market analyses, JATO’s data intelligence also helps OES build stronger, longer-lasting business relationships with OEMs.


JATO’s experienced account managers meet with every client to understand their needs and generate accurate estimates in a one-on-one setting. We use this information to create customized solutions for our customers to ensure they’re getting data intelligence that is relevant to their particular needs.


If you’re ready to get started, reach out to our team and let’s start building a comprehensive picture of your market.


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