News and insights

JATO Net News & Volumes, Mindful of Our Users

Written by Team JATO | Jul 29, 2015 11:10:19 AM

There is a lot that can be read into monitoring the software your customers use. In JATO, the act of delivering millions of data points a year requires the right balance of using the latest software technologies, but remaining mindful of our customer’s in-house capabilities. Monitoring the two provides insight on the critical balance on when to deploy new technologies.

While most of us will be all too familiar with our smart phone’s capabilities, and the relentless pursuit of performance their makers deliver; at JATO we are very mindful that many of our business users are, quite rightly, locked away behind tight security, and have companywide technology constraints imposed on them.

Only 2 years ago, 80% of JATO Net’s B2B users were still locked into I.E 8.0 and earlier internet browsers while in the consumer world a mere 8% of the World Wide Web’s users were still using the older platforms. The majority of us, as consumers, having long since moved on to the latest offerings.

But at JATO we knew our customers technology departments were looking to upgrade, so we had to take the decision to ensure that when they did, we were using the right technology to meet their needs.  This has resulted in the latest versions of the Volumes & News solutions delivered within JATO Net. They are based on the latest .Net platforms and Angular Framework technology, meeting the needs of our current, and future, users.

In the last two years we have seen our users implement real change within their businesses. Today, only 30% (down from 80% in 2013) of users use pre I.E. 8.0 browsers, and those using I.E. 10+ versions has jumped from zero to 35%, we are also seeing the emerging trend of Chrome usage within our customer base too (15%). Companies now recognise that for their staff to benefit from the latest technologies, they have to constantly keep up with the latest developments, and JATO recognises it too has to be there ready for them.

The benefits to our customers?

With the latest updates, we have made it easier to access data by reducing the amount of steps it takes to retrieve data while at the same time we have increased responsiveness to deliver that data faster (up to 50% faster with some volume queries!)

As a result, more users than ever are accessing data through JATO Net, and they are able to access more data (page views up 30% year on year) in less time.

With the latest technology our solutions are already becoming optimised for smart phone and tablet usage, providing our customers (who have migrated to the latest browsers) with a more modern and enjoyable experience of data query and extraction.

To view these latest developments, for those already a part of the JATO family, simply apply for a password on the homepage, for others simply contact your local representative.