News and insights

Global Customer Satisfaction Survey

Written by Team JATO | Nov 4, 2015 9:59:34 AM

A message from Andy Rothery, CEO, JATO Dynamics

One of my objectives as CEO for JATO, is to ensure that we use every opportunity to listen to the needs and wishes of you, our customer, so that we have the best opportunity to build on the JATO strengths you identify and implement more of the changes you would like to see across our global business. We are committed to continuously developing the experience we offer and the service levels we provide to you.

Last year we implemented our new global customer satisfaction survey and we asked an independent specialist research organisation, Linda Jones & Partners, to carry out this survey on our behalf.  The results have proven extremely useful in helping us to understand and prioritise where we need to focus. I am sure you will agree that the more responses we get to our survey, the better informed we will be about the things that matter most to you.

I am therefore sending this personal request to ask you to take the time to respond to this survey if you have not done so already and, in return, I personally assure you of my commitment to keep your priorities at the top of mine.

Please click here to complete the survey.

Thank you

Andy Rothery, CEO, JATO Dynamics