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Get accurate market data on each component

Written by Team JATO | Aug 9, 2022 3:44:01 PM

Although most of a car’s layout is unchangeable, there are several parts and components that car buyers can customize. This gives the customer a range of control over how their car will be configured, and they use this power to make their vehicle fit their exact preferences.

Data information on specific components is important for Original Equipment Suppliers (OES) to understand. By gathering relevant data on every customizable part in the vehicle, OES are able to better understand which ones are in high demand (and which aren’t). They can then tailor their manufacturing processes and marketing strategies to meet that demand.

Specific data information drives convincing sales pitches

Without persuasive marketing techniques backed by relevant data, OES sales managers couldn’t make convincing sales pitches to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). It’s data that drives sales, so OES need to be able to use global marketing analysis to persuade their clients effectively. Having the right data intelligence on hand will help them make logical and persuasive sales pitches that drive future growth and help to sustain long-term relationships with OEMs.

One important element that comes with a quality supply of data intelligence is the technical breakdown of a vehicle. This information allows OES to access and analyze data on every customizable component. The data includes the history of the part, which helps OES determine how widely adopted it is, as well as more general information about the demand for the part.

To use one example, research suggests that the market for LED headlights is growing as more drivers become aware of their greater effectiveness, less harmful impact on the environment and higher potential for cost-savings. As LED technology continues to improve and environmental consciousness becomes more widespread, OES can expect the market to continue moving in that direction. Headlight component suppliers can then use this information to convince their OEM clients to switch to LED rather than using glass headlights.

In the absence of this information, the OEM might simply resort to requesting that their suppliers sell them whatever headlights they think make the most sense for them. They might use inaccurate, outdated information about what used to sell on the market to make decisions in the current circumstances, which could cost them later. But the right information allows the OEM to shift its focus and begin producing a supply of headlights that more
closely match consumer demand.

JATO’s data helps you meet customer demand

The global automotive market is constantly changing, and demand for a part in one month might change drastically by the next month. By analyzing the data fully, OES are ready for quick, unexpected changes to the market, helping them build an accurate picture of global market trends and make the right preparations.

When you partner with JATO, you get access to the world’s most relevant global automotive database. Our team of experts works with every client to understand their unique situation. We use this information to create customized solutions for them to ensure they’re getting data intelligence that is relevant to their particular needs.

If you’re ready to get started, reach out to our team and let’s start building a comprehensive picture of your market

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