Specialist solutions designed to support leasing and fleet management

    Vehicle leasing and fleet management companies are navigating a transformative period in the automotive industry. As the uptake of electric vehicles, and trends such as shared mobility and subscriptions continue to grow, businesses must adapt quickly.

    Business intelligence solutions - JATO

    Market and competitor insights

    Our portfolio of solutions provide high-quality insights and analysis based on timely data and industry expertise. We help businesses meet their strategic goals.

    Business intelligence solutions play a significant role in helping leasing and fleet companies overcome challenges and enable strategic decision-making. The right data and insights can optimise operations and efficiency, enabling businesses to tailor their offering to meet customer demands.

    vehicle models 
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    Industry leading automotive research, analysis and insights 

    22 August 2024
    In July 2024, JATO data shows that EV data slowed, with both registrations and market shared dropping. BMW led the market for the first time, and SUVs achieved their largest market share in Europe to date.
    By Felipe Munoz
    18 July 2024
    Explore JATO Dynamics’ data on how European BEV demand is slowing and the rise of Chinese car brands in the electric vehicle market. Stay updated with the latest EV market insights.
    By Felipe Munoz
    27 June 2024
    European BEV demand fell 11% in May, with 19% of registrations from China. MG outsold Tesla despite losing ground. JATO Dynamics reports a 2.5% decline in new car registrations compared to last year, highlighting opportunities for Chinese OEMs in Europe amid high BEV prices and upcoming tariffs.
    By Felipe Munoz
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