Global automotive expert

    Based in Detroit, USA, Michael is responsible for our global analytics organisation, comprising of the advisory, business intelligence and data science teams.  

    Michael has extensive experience in providing consulting services and market intelligence for the automotive industry. At each stop in his career, he leveraged and transformed data using analytic techniques to create actionable insights for companies. At Deloitte, he worked as a consultant solving business problems for automotive companies, and then as the lead analyst delivering advanced analysis about the automotive industry. At Chrysler, Michael ran the company’s competitive intelligence and business analytics operations as a part of the automaker’s product planning organisation. 

    Michael has deep expertise using JATO data assets to solve complex issues and deliver value for JATO customers. He is experienced in data analytics and modelling, business intelligence, competitive analysis and primary research. His sole focus in based on the success of the customer, using both data and insight to address and solve specific issues. As part of JATO Advisory, he provides both advisory services and custom solutions for leading automotive companies across the globe. 

    Michael holds an MBA in marketing and a Master of Science in information science.

    Insights and inspiration

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    Explore insights into the Indonesian automotive market, including the strategy of Chinese automakers and the latest automotive data from JATO. This analysis highlights market saturation and explores missed opportunities in one of Southeast Asia's largest car markets.
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    Explore comprehensive insights into electric car finance in Belgium and the Netherlands. Understand the European EV market better through finance with JATO Data.
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    With new changes to the WLTP legislation coming into effect in Germany, we look at what WLTP actually is, what the new changes are, and why it’s important to your customer buying journey in this ‘what you need to know’ overview.
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