Modern Slavery Act 2015

    Statement for JATO Dynamics Ltd and its Subsidiaries

    JATO is committed to conducting business ethically and is wholly  opposed to all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking. This 
    statement sets out the activities JATO has undertaken to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within its organisation and through our supply chain. 

    The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires commercial organisations which meet the relevant criteria to prepare and publish an annual “Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement”. This is JATO’s statement for the financial year ended 31st December 2023. 

    About JATO

    We are a leading provider of market intelligence services to the automotive sector. The JATO Group has its head office in the UK and offices across Europe, Australasia, North America, South America and Africa, with around 800 people. JATO’s business focuses on licensing data-driven products and services, and we do not have any manufacturing operations or produce any physical goods. 

    Employment Procedures

    We have in place procedures and resources that contribute to ensuring that modern slavery does not take place within our business:

    • JATO’s policies reflect our pledge to conduct business ethically and with integrity. All JATO personnel are required to comply with JATO policies when undertaking their duties and the policy is reviewed and updated as necessary.

    • Professional HR team, largely based in the UK, supporting the employment lifecycle throughout our operations worldwide.

    • Recruitment processes in line with local laws including document and ID checks, confirmation of “right-to-work” and entering service or employment contracts.

    • Market-related pay and reward, which is reviewed annually.

    Our Policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking 

    We are committed to taking appropriate precautions against modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. 

    JATO’s Code of Conduct is applicable to all staff and reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. It outlines our zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking.

    The JATO Code of Conduct sets out our expectation that our suppliers should also adhere to it, or adopt their own, similar ethical policies. 

    We use every effort to ensure that appropriate clauses regarding compliance with modern slavery and anti-human trafficking laws are included in our contracts with suppliers. 

    We operate a Whistleblowing Policy which explains how staff should, anonymously where appropriate, raise any concerns they may have about ethical issues, including modern slavery or human trafficking, and sets out our commitment not to penalise whistleblowers in any way.


    Our Supply Chain

    Our suppliers span a wide range of industries including information technology, marketing, insurance and facilities management. We also work with professionals, consultants and contractors. 

    The majority of JATO’s suppliers are based in the UK, Europe and the USA where modern slavery risks are low.

    We recognise that JATO may potentially be exposed to risk through its suppliers. The following supplier category represents is potential risk area for JATO and we ensure that additional checks and safeguards are implemented when dealing with suppliers in these categories:

    • IT hardware – JATO purchases and leases a variety of IT hardware and accessories that may be manufactured or assembled in countries with minimal or no regulation of modern slavery. Ethical suppliers are used where possible, and we conduct due diligence where appropriate.

    Looking forward we intend to continue to take similar action in any other higher-risk areas of our supply chain that are identified and further improve our evaluation and compliance practices in those areas.

    This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. 

    Jake Shafran
    CEO, JATO Dynamics Ltd 
    Date: 17 April 2023